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Safe Routes to School
Written by Shelley Kirkpatrick Created on 4/21/2012
To all of the concerned citizens of valley Center, please sign this petition for the addition of sidewalks in areas highly congested areas with children who walk or ride their bikes in the streets, to get to school. They are in danger of being hit by the many cars and trucks that also use these roads to commute. One of the worst areas is on GOFF RD, from MEADOW RD. to MERIDIAN STREET. There is a grant called Safe Routes to Schools that would pay for the sidewalks after a Sidewalk Master Plan is approved. Although our City Officials have started the Sidewalk Master Plan, they have put it on the back burner of importance. We need to let our City Official know that our biggest concerns as citizens of Valley Center are the safety and health of our children. Tell your friends and people who live around you, as word of mouth is a powerful tool. Let's get this issue pushed up on the agenda before an accident happens.
138 signature(s)
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Try Satellite View! That traffic jam may have been captured. |
Be Accurate! Zoom in close to add that location. |
Be Specific! Describe the time and situation. |
Tell Your Friends! The more that voice their opinion, the better. |